Thursday 11 August 2011

Hacking Facebook - The art of Keyloggers

Hi everyone!!
Today I'm going to tell you another technique of swooping  facebook passwords, called as Keylogging. You might have heard about this term, or maybe performed it, but sometimes people don't realize that this is sometimes the easiest and the most effective way of hacking facebook passwords.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Creating a Fork Bomb virus

Fork Bomb is a really dangerous virus that can cause serious system trouble, it can cause permanent RAM failure and hard disk damage. In addition to that, it is not possible to use the computer until system restart.

Creating a prank virus

Hi friends!!
I'm showing you a cool trick to pull pranks on your friends by infecting them with a prank virus. These prank viruses, though harmless but are really annoying. So you can laugh while your friend tries to figure out what's going on in the system.

Making your own virus

Viruses are malicious programs designed to corrupt or destroy healthy programs or delete data and cause computer mayhem. Viruses come is different forms and are programmed for variety of purposes ranging from sheer destruction to massive infections and botnet creations. In this tutorial I will design a simple virus

Top 5 Firefox Security Addons

Hello friends!!

Security and privacy are some of the major concerns these days while choosing a web browser to use. So much so that all the major players in the “browser wars” are providing or developing a private browsing mode.

Firefox with the myraid of add-ons that it has to offer is never far from action. Here are some of the top Firefox security and privacy addons that you should install for safer browsing.